Young Ghanaians risk all for "better" life 加納年輕人不顧一切追求“更好的”生活 Some migrate within Afric...

Young Ghanaians risk all for "better" life 加納年輕人不顧一切追求“更好的”生活 Some migrate within Afric...
Day 1 words&phrases Have a pretty good idea 心中有數(shù) condensed condense from…into...從...壓縮而...
Day1 words & phrases A contradiction in terms 自相矛盾的說法 contradiction (SYN)conflict 璃赡,disc...
Notes for Levelling the paying field Day4: 單次作業(yè) Vocabulary and phrases 固有名詞匯總 account-h...
Words.phrases and translation AMAZON is an extraordinary company. The former bookseller...
Day 1 Words and Phrases level 1.N-COUNT Alevelis a point on a scale, for example, a sc...
Day 1 Words & Phrases -Extraordinary adj. 不平常的,不一般的章钾,非凡的墙贱,卓越的①very unusual or surprising ...
words & phrases -Extraordinary adj. 不平常的,不一般的贱傀,非凡的惨撇,卓越的 ①very unusual or surprising 異乎尋常的...
DAY 1 Words &phrases -myth ①an idea or story that many people believe, but which is n...