本月兩周時間晨讀Good bye诚欠,Mr. Chips這本書刑然,通過晨讀學會如何精讀英文原著逝她。參加社群徘禁,按需學習缩幸,每天雖沒有花費很多時間記錄集惋,但會堅持參加晨讀孕似,完成每天的任務(wù)。 ...
老實說泛烙,雖然原來也讀過不少的原版小說,但如此精讀翘紊、細讀還是第一次蔽氨,總體來說,是一次很棒很值得的體驗帆疟。 故事是以一種倒敘的形式進行的鹉究,我們follow Mr.Chi...
1. 這是什么詞? 詞:soft spot 英英釋義:to feel that you like someone very much, often without knowi...
1. 這是什么詞踪宠? 詞:engine 英英釋義:something powerful that causes great changes in society 例句:Chin...
1. 這是什么詞自赔? 詞:alternative 英英釋義:something that you can choose instead of something els...
1. 這是什么詞? 詞:equivalent 英英釋義:someone or something that has the same size, value, importa...
這是什么詞殴蓬? 詞:thirst 英英釋義:a strong feeling of wanting to have or do something 例句:He has an u...
1. 這是什么詞匿级? 詞:sway 英英釋義:power to rule or influence people 例句:Some old attitudes still hol...
1. 這是什么詞? 詞:panacea 英英釋義:something that people think will make everything better and so...
1. 這是什么詞染厅? 詞:parallel 英英釋義:a person or thing that is similar to another 例句:There are ...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎(chǔ)篇) 詞:recipe 英英釋義:a way of doing something that will produce a particular res...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎(chǔ)篇) 詞:godsend 英英釋義:a very helpful or valuable event, person, or thing 例句:With...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎(chǔ)篇) 詞:synonym 英英釋義:a word, name, or phrase that very strongly suggests a pa...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎(chǔ)篇) 詞:passport 英英釋義:a thing that ensures admission to or the achievement of ...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎(chǔ)篇) 詞:shift 英英釋義:a slight change in position, direction, or tendency 例句:T...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎(chǔ)篇) 詞:backbone 英英釋義:courage and determination 例句:He has a crush on Sarah, but...