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《冰與火之歌》是POV寫作手法的代表作菠隆。POV即Point of View, 中文譯作“視點人物寫作法”。這種寫作方法其實并不新鮮舶得,不過我...
1.pour "The visitors poured through the castle gates in a river of gold ...
Daenerys出場這么弱尝抖,不想后來竟成一代女王,更享有龍母的尊稱窄潭,這一章是她的首秀春宣。 The color will bring out ...
圖上是臨冬城Stark家的神木林。 The godswood there was a garden, bright and ai...
“Direwolves loose in the realm, after so many years,” muttered Hullen, t...
The deserter knows his life is forfeit if he is taken, so he will not fl...
昨天還漏了一句: The first time he had been sent beyond, all the old stories ...
冰火的資源比較豐富嫉你,原著很好找月帝,有聲書也有,還有劇幽污,今天開始精讀了嚷辅。 “Do the dead frighten you?” Ser Wa...