Don't aim for succeif you want it; just do what you love and believe in,...
Quitters never win and winners never quit. 退縮者永無勝利厌丑,勝利者永不退縮定欧。 ?? 譯文 || 貝小魚 ...
A heart that loves is always young. **有愛的心永遠年輕渔呵。 ** ?? **譯文 || 貝小魚 原文作者 ...
Life contains a day a day, symbol of life. 人生包含著一天扩氢,一天象征著一生。 ?? 文|| 貝小魚 人們...
Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.好人越學越好托嚣,壞人越學越壞巩检。 ?? 譯 ||...
Hearted, would rather suffer, and i will keep good. 要善良,寧愿吃虧示启,我也要保持善良兢哭。 ?? ...
** Happiness begins with a smile夫嗓!** 幸福迟螺,從一個微笑開始。 ?? 編譯 || 貝小魚 現(xiàn)在的世界舍咖,有很多事情都...
Silence than mean more conducive to social。---- Montaigne 沉默較之言不由衷的話更有益于...
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. 成功就是日復...