練習(xí)材料:L3-(2): An unknown goddess
? ? The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the 15th century B.C.
/e?/ /?b?di/ /?v/ /w?n/ /?st?tju?/ /w?z/ /fa?nd/ /??m??/ /r??me?nz/ /?de?t??/ /fr?m/ /e?/ /?f??fti?nθ/ /?s?n??ri/ /bi?/.
? ? Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C.
/si?/. /?ts/ /?m?s??/ /h?d/ /?h?p?nd/ /tu?/ /bi?/ /??m??/ /r??me?nz/ /?v/ /e?/ /f?fθ/ /?s?n??ri/ /bi?/. /si?/.
? ? This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved.
/e?s/ /h?d/ /m?st/ /h?v/ /bi?n/ /fa?nd/ /?n/ /?kl?s?k?l/ /ta?mz/ /?nd/ /?ke?fli/ /pr??z??vd/.
? ? It was very old and precious even then.
/?t/ /w?z/ /?v?ri/ /??ld/ /?nd/ /?pr???s/ /?i?v?n/ /e?n/.
? ? When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.
/w?n/ /ei/ /?ɑ?k???l???sts/ /?ri?k?ns?tr?kt?d/ /e?/ /?fr?gm?nts/, /ee?/ /w??r/ /??me?zd/ /tu?/ /fa?nd/ /e?t/ /e?/ /?g?d?s/ /t??nd/ /a?t/ /tu?/ /bi?/ /?/ /?v?ri/ /?m?d?n/-/?l?k??/ /?w?m?n/.
? ? She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips.
/?i?/ /st?d/ /θri?/ /fi?t/ /ha?/ /?nd/ /h??/ /h?ndz/ /?r?st?d/ /?n/ /h??/ /h?ps/.
? ? She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground.
/?i?/ /w?z/ /?we?r??/ /?/ /?f?l?l??θ/ /sk??t/ /w??/ /sw?pt/ /e?/ /gra?nd/.
? ? Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed,
/d?s?pa?t/ /h??/ /gre?t/ /e??/, /?i?/ /w?z/ /?v?ri/ /?gre?sf?l/ /?n?di?d/,
? ? but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.
?/b?t/, /s??/ /fɑ?/, /ei/ /?ɑ?k???l???sts/ /h?v/ /bi?n/ /?n?e?bl/ /tu?/ /d?s?k?v?/ /h??r/ /a??d?nt?ti/.