3.14 翻譯練習:
我的譯文:When Huizong was in power, he collected ancient paintings and calligraphies massively, hired painters from various places, and enlarged the royal painting institution. By his efforts, the position of painters has been higher than any other periods in China's history.
南下的夏天主編點評:增譯用得不錯枫吧。但是謂語動詞的用法可以加強浦旱,前兩個動詞可以用and連接,而第三個則改成 to enlarge九杂。另外“翰林”一詞需要查詞典颁湖。
參考譯文:In/ During the reign of Emperor Huizong, he collected not only voluminous ancient paintings and calligraphic works, but also a legion of painters to expand the painting school of the Imperail Academy, elevating the paiter's status to the highest level in the history of China.
(1) 在位:
**處理辦法1——When he was on the throne。根據朗文在線詞典以及牛津高階英漢雙解詞典尼酿,throne爷狈,【C】special chair or seat used by a king, queen, bishop, etc during ceremonies(國王、君主裳擎、主教等的)寶座涎永、御座;而 the throne,【sing】royal authority or power羡微,王權谷饿、王位、帝位妈倔。
**處理辦法2——In/ During the reign of Emperor Huizong博投。Reign作為名詞時,表示(period of) rule of a king or queen 君主的統(tǒng)治盯蝴,君主統(tǒng)治時期毅哗。
**處理辦法3——When Emperor Huizong reigned over the country。Reign也可以用作動詞捧挺,固定搭配是 reign over sb/sth虑绵,即be king, queen or regent; rule 成為國君或攝政王;當政闽烙;統(tǒng)治翅睛。
**處理辦法4——rule/ govern等表示統(tǒng)治、管理的詞匯也適用黑竞。而本人選用“in power”捕发,意為 having control or authority 掌權。
(2) 廣收古書畫很魂,網羅畫家扎酷,擴充翰林圖畫院:
**【動詞的用法】只有在強調數(shù)個動作連接比較緊密的時候,采用逗號加and這種形式莫换,像本人原譯文的做法(collected..., hired..., and enlarged....)顯得不地道霞玄。
**【collect的用法】其實不難看出,“廣收”和“網羅”是意思相近的詞匯拉岁,因此可以運用省略譯法(同義省略)坷剧。另外,collect在詞典中有2重含義:bring or gather sth together 收集某物喊暖;come together; assemble or accumulate; gather 聚集惫企、召集、積累陵叽,如 A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.狞尔。換句話說,collect是可以用于“聚集人群”這樣的意思的巩掺。
英譯中——Vietnamese war is a drain on American resources. 越南戰(zhàn)爭消耗著美國的資源豫缨。這里就是 drain 轉譯為動詞 消耗。 ? ?Millions of the people in the mountain areas are finally off the poverty. 千百萬山區(qū)人終于擺脫了貧窮端朵。這里就是介詞off轉譯為動詞 擺脫好芭。
中譯英——他總是喝很多酒。He is a greater drinker. 動詞轉為名詞。 ? ?許多學生反對他。Many students are against him. 這里就是動詞 ?反對闪彼,轉譯成介詞 against。
** 【legion的用法】legion意為large number of people 大批的人邻薯。
**【翰林院】Imperial Academy。翰林院從唐朝開始設立恩尾,初時為供職具有藝能人士的機構弛说,自唐玄宗后挽懦,翰林分為兩種翰意,一種是翰林學士,供職于翰林學士院信柿,一種是翰林供奉冀偶,供職于翰林院。翰林學士擔當起草詔書的職責渔嚷,翰林供奉則無甚實權进鸠。而原文所說的“翰林圖畫院”,指代的是前者形病,因此用Imperial Academy客年。另外,“翰林”則翻譯為member of the Imperial Academy漠吻。
(3) 將畫家的地位提到中國歷史上最高的位置:
**【elevate的用法】本人在處理這個分句的時候非常小心量瓜。原本,本人是想翻譯成“which made painters the highest position in China's history”途乃,轉念一想绍傲,如此翻譯會讓人誤以為“畫家是中國歷史上地位最高的”。而參考譯文采用了 elevate耍共。elevate意為 to move someone or something to a more important level or rank, or make them better than before烫饼,與“提升”之意。
**【status的用法】status表示 high rank or social position 重要地位试读,重要身份杠纵,例如 He's very aware of his status. 他很在意自己的重要身份。