public static void ShowFolderContentsOnPrejectWindow(UnityEngine.Object obj)
var intanceID = obj.GetInstanceID();
if (!ProjectWindowUtil.IsFolder(intanceID))
/// <summary>
/// Selects a folder in the project window and shows its content.
/// Opens a new project window, if none is open yet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="folderInstanceID">The instance of the folder asset to open.</param>
private static void ShowFolderContents(int folderInstanceID)
// Find the internal ProjectBrowser class in the editor assembly.
Assembly editorAssembly = typeof(Editor).Assembly;
System.Type projectBrowserType = editorAssembly.GetType("UnityEditor.ProjectBrowser");
// This is the internal method, which performs the desired action.
// Should only be called if the project window is in two column mode.
MethodInfo showFolderContents = projectBrowserType.GetMethod(
"ShowFolderContents", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// Find any open project browser windows.
UnityEngine.Object[] projectBrowserInstances = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(projectBrowserType);
if (projectBrowserInstances.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < projectBrowserInstances.Length; i++)
ShowFolderContentsInternal(projectBrowserInstances[i], showFolderContents, folderInstanceID);
EditorWindow projectBrowser = OpenNewProjectBrowser(projectBrowserType);
ShowFolderContentsInternal(projectBrowser, showFolderContents, folderInstanceID);
private static void ShowFolderContentsInternal(UnityEngine.Object projectBrowser, MethodInfo showFolderContents, int folderInstanceID)
// Sadly, there is no method to check for the view mode.
// We can use the serialized object to find the private property.
SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(projectBrowser);
bool inTwoColumnMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ViewMode").enumValueIndex == 1;
if (!inTwoColumnMode)
// If the browser is not in two column mode, we must set it to show the folder contents.
MethodInfo setTwoColumns = projectBrowser.GetType().GetMethod(
"SetTwoColumns", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
setTwoColumns.Invoke(projectBrowser, null);
bool revealAndFrameInFolderTree = true;
showFolderContents.Invoke(projectBrowser, new object[] { folderInstanceID, revealAndFrameInFolderTree });
private static EditorWindow OpenNewProjectBrowser(System.Type projectBrowserType)
EditorWindow projectBrowser = EditorWindow.GetWindow(projectBrowserType);
// Unity does some special initialization logic, which we must call,
// before we can use the ShowFolderContents method (else we get a NullReferenceException).
MethodInfo init = projectBrowserType.GetMethod("Init", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
init.Invoke(projectBrowser, null);
return projectBrowser;