People question my patriotism. That I don’t look like American enough. They could not get over this face. I want to show you something. I want to tell you because I’m not afraid. I’m 69 years old, and I’m going to show you what patriotism, the question about patriotism looks like. Here is my proof. This is sustained through my service in the US military. Now, is this patriotic enough? Prejudice is hate, and this hate can be changed. We’re human. And we need to be kinder, gentler to one another. Because we are all the same. We are one human being on this earth.
patriotism [?pātrē??tiz?m]: 愛國(guó)主義.
patriotic. adj: having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.
get over: 1. Recover from (an ailment or an upsetting or starting experience): the trip will help him get over Sal’s death. 2. Overcome (a difficulty).