- exon
- intron
- start codon
- end codon
import argparse
import textwrap
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = "getFeature.py",
description = textwrap.dedent('''\
This is a python tool for you to extract gene features in bed file format from bed13 file.
About how to convert GTF annotation file into bed13 file:
- http://www.reibang.com/p/de2455a8f507
About the structure of transcripts:
- http://www.reibang.com/p/f97935ce7255
formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
epilog = "Owner: skm@smail.nju.edu.cn, Nanjing University."
parser.add_argument('--bed13', '-b', required = True, help = "the bed13 file.")
parser.add_argument('--prefix', '-p', required = True, help = "the prefix of the file to store the result.")
parser.add_argument('--feature', '-f', required = True, choices = ['exon', 'intron', '5utr', '3utr', 'start_codon', 'stop_codon', 'cds'], help = "the feature type you want to extract.")
parser.add_argument('--keep', '-k', action = 'store_true', help = "whether to keep non-main chr, default is not.")
parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action = 'version', version='%(prog)s 1.0.0')
args = parser.parse_args()
bed = args.bed13
prefix = args.prefix
feature = args.feature
#load bed13 file
with open(bed, 'r') as input_file:
tx_dict = {}
chrs_keep = ['chrM', 'chrX', 'chrY']
for i in range(22):
chrs_keep.append('chr' + str(i+1))
for line in input_file.readlines():
line = line.strip()
fields = line.split("\t")
# chr = fields[0]
# start = fields[1]
# end = fields[2]
# name = fields[3]
# strand = fields[5]
# cds_start = fields[6]
# cds_end = fields[7]
# num = fields[9]
# exon_size = fields[10]
# exon_start = fields[11]
name = fields.pop(3)
del fields[3]
del fields[6]
if args.keep:
tx_dict[name] = fields
if fields[0] in chrs_keep:
tx_dict[name] = fields
# chr, start, end, strand, cds_start, cds_end, num, exon_size, exon_start
#function to extract feature
def get_exon(dict, dest):
file = dest + '.exon.bed'
with open(file, 'w') as exon:
for tx,feat in dict.items():
for i in range(int(feat[6])):
curr_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i])
curr_exon_end = curr_exon_start + int(feat[7].split(",")[i])
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), str(curr_exon_end), tx + "_" + str(i+1), '0', feat[3]]
exon.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
def get_intron(dict, dest):
file = dest + '.intron.bed'
with open(file, 'w') as intron:
for tx,feat in dict.items():
if int(feat[6]) != 1:
for i in range(int(feat[6]) - 1):
curr_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i])
curr_exon_end = curr_exon_start + int(feat[7].split(",")[i])
next_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i+1])
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_end), str(next_exon_start), tx + "_" + str(i+1), '0', feat[3]]
intron.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
def get_cds(dict, dest):
file = dest + '.cds.bed'
with open (file, 'w') as cds:
for tx,feat in dict.items():
if feat[4] != feat[5]:
index = 0
for i in range(int(feat[6])):
curr_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i])
curr_exon_end = curr_exon_start + int(feat[7].split(",")[i])
bool_1 = curr_exon_start < int(feat[4]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[4])
bool_2 = curr_exon_start >= int(feat[4]) and curr_exon_end <= int(feat[5])
bool_3 = curr_exon_start <= int(feat[5]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[5])
bool_4 = curr_exon_start <= int(feat[4]) and curr_exon_end >= int(feat[5])
if bool_1:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], str(feat[4]), str(curr_exon_end), tx + "_" + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
cds.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
elif bool_2:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), str(curr_exon_end), tx + "_" + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
cds.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
elif bool_3:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), str(feat[5]), tx + "_" + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
cds.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
elif bool_4:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], str(feat[4]), str(feat[5]), tx + "_" + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
cds.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
def get_start_codon(dict, dest):
file = dest + '.startcodon.bed'
with open(file, 'w') as startcodon:
for tx,feat in dict.items():
if feat[4] != feat[5]:
if feat[3] == "+":
curr_line = [feat[0], feat[4], str(int(feat[4]) + 3), tx, '0', feat[3]]
curr_line = [feat[0], str(int(feat[5]) - 3), feat[5], tx, '0', feat[3]]
startcodon.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
def get_stop_codon(dict, dest):
file = dest + '.stopcodon.bed'
with open(file, 'w') as stopcodon:
for tx,feat in dict.items():
if feat[4] != feat[5]:
if feat[3] == "+":
curr_line = [feat[0], str(int(feat[5]) - 3), feat[5], tx, '0', feat[3]]
curr_line = [feat[0], feat[4], str(int(feat[4]) + 3), tx, '0', feat[3]]
stopcodon.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
def get_five_utr(dict, dest):
file = dest + '.5utr.bed'
with open(file, 'w') as fiveutr:
for tx,feat in dict.items():
if feat[4] != feat[5]:
if feat[3] == "+":
for i in range(int(feat[6])):
curr_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i])
curr_exon_end = curr_exon_start + int(feat[7].split(",")[i])
bool_1 = curr_exon_start < int(feat[4]) and curr_exon_end <= int(feat[4])
bool_2 = curr_exon_start < int(feat[4]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[4])
if bool_1:
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), str(curr_exon_end), tx + '_' + str(i+1), '0', feat[3]]
fiveutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
elif bool_2:
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), feat[4], tx + '_' + str(i+1), '0', feat[3]]
fiveutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
index = 0
for i in range(int(feat[6])):
curr_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i])
curr_exon_end = curr_exon_start + int(feat[7].split(",")[i])
bool_1 = curr_exon_start > int(feat[5]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[5])
bool_2 = curr_exon_start <= int(feat[5]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[5])
if bool_1:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), str(curr_exon_end), tx + '_' + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
fiveutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
elif bool_2:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], feat[5], str(curr_exon_end), tx + '_' + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
fiveutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
def get_three_utr(dict, dest):
file = dest + '.3utr.bed'
with open(file, 'w') as threeutr:
for tx,feat in dict.items():
if feat[4] != feat[5]:
if feat[3] == "+":
index = 0
for i in range(int(feat[6])):
curr_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i])
curr_exon_end = curr_exon_start + int(feat[7].split(",")[i])
bool_1 = curr_exon_start > int(feat[5]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[5])
bool_2 = curr_exon_start <= int(feat[5]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[5])
if bool_1:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), str(curr_exon_end), tx + '_' + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
threeutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
elif bool_2:
index += 1
curr_line = [feat[0], feat[5], str(curr_exon_end), tx + '_' + str(index), '0', feat[3]]
threeutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
for i in range(int(feat[6])):
curr_exon_start = int(feat[1]) + int(feat[8].split(",")[i])
curr_exon_end = curr_exon_start + int(feat[7].split(",")[i])
bool_1 = curr_exon_start < int(feat[4]) and curr_exon_end <= int(feat[4])
bool_2 = curr_exon_start < int(feat[4]) and curr_exon_end > int(feat[4])
if bool_1:
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), str(curr_exon_end), tx + '_' + str(i+1), '0', feat[3]]
threeutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
elif bool_2:
curr_line = [feat[0], str(curr_exon_start), feat[4], tx + '_' + str(i+1), '0', feat[3]]
threeutr.write("\t".join(curr_line) + "\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("Processing...")
if feature == "exon":
get_exon(dict = tx_dict, dest = prefix)
elif feature == "intron":
get_intron(dict = tx_dict, dest = prefix)
elif feature == "cds":
get_cds(dict = tx_dict, dest = prefix)
elif feature == "start_codon":
get_start_codon(dict = tx_dict, dest = prefix)
elif feature == "stop_codon":
get_stop_codon(dict = tx_dict, dest = prefix)
elif feature == "5utr":
get_five_utr(dict = tx_dict, dest = prefix)
elif feature == "3utr":
get_three_utr(dict = tx_dict, dest = prefix)
print ("Finished...")
getFeature.py --help
usage: getFeature.py [-h] --bed13 BED13 --prefix PREFIX --feature
[--keep] [--version]
This is a python tool for you to extract gene features in bed file format from bed13 file.
About how to convert GTF annotation file into bed13 file:
- http://www.reibang.com/p/de2455a8f507
About the structure of transcripts:
- http://www.reibang.com/p/f97935ce7255
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bed13 BED13, -b BED13
the bed13 file.
--prefix PREFIX, -p PREFIX
the prefix of the file to store the result.
--feature {exon,intron,5utr,3utr,start_codon,stop_codon,cds}, -f {exon,intron,5utr,3utr,start_codon,stop_codon,cds}
the feature type you want to extract.
--keep, -k whether to keep non-main chr, default is not.
--version, -v show program's version number and exit
Owner: skm@smail.nju.edu.cn, Nanjing University.
感興趣的小伙伴可以在 我的Github 上下載 getFeature.py