Jacob: Is it true?
Carlisle: Hello, Jacob, how are you?
Jacob: Listen, just give it to me straight.
Bella: Jake, is that you?
Jacob: She’s here?
Carlisle: They came home two weeks ago. Jake.
Bella: Glad you came.
Rosalie: Close enough.
Jacob: What’s your problem?
Bella: Rose, it’s OK.
Jacob: You look terrible.
Bella: Yeah, it’s nice to see you, too.
Jacob: So, you’re going to tell me what’s wrong with you?
Bella: Rose, you wanna help me up?
Jacob: You did this!
Carlisle: We didn’t know it was even possible.
Jacob: What is it?
Carlisle: I’m not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won’t penetrate the embryonic sac.
Alice: I can’t see it, either. And I can’t see Bella’s future anymore.
Carlisle: We’ve been researching legends, but there isn’t much to go on. What we do know is that it’s strong and fast-growing.
Jacob: Why haven’t you done anything? Take it out of her.
Rosalie: This is none of your business, dog.
Esme: Rose! All this fighting isn’t good for Bella.
Alice: The fetus isn’t good for Bella.
Rosalie: Say the word, Alice. “Baby”, it’s just a little baby.
Jasper: Possibly.
Jacob: Carlisle, you’ve gotta do something.
Bella: No. It’s not his decision. It’s not any of yours.
Edward: Jacob, I need to talk to you.
Jacob: I always knew you’d destroy her.
Edward: She thinks Carlisle can turn her at that last minute, like he did for me and Esme.
Jacob: Can he?
Edward: Probability is slight. And if her heart fails... Look, Jacob, I need you to do something for me.
Edward: For her! You have a connection with her that I’ll never understand. Maybe you could talk to her, change her mind. You can keep her alive.
Jacob: And if I can’t?
Edward: If she dies, you get what you always wanted. To kill me!
Bella: Rose, I’m fine, really... So Edward sent you here to talk to me?
Jacob: Sort of. Though I can’t figure out why he thinks you’d listen to me. I mean, you never have before...Since when are you and the blondie BFFs?
Bell: Rose understand what I want.
Jacob: What are you thinking, Bella? Seriously.
Bella: I know this seems like a scary thing,’s not. It’s like this miracle or something. I can feel him.
Jacob: So, it’s a bouncing baby boy. I’m sorry I didn’t know. Should’ve brought some blue balloons.
Bella: It’s just a guess. When I picture him, I see a boy. We’ll see.
Jacob: You won’t.
Bella: Jake, I can do this. I’m strong enough.
Jacob: Come on. You can spout that crap to your bloodsucker, but you don’t fool me. I can see what that thing’s doing to you. It’s a killer, Bella.
Bella: You’re wrong.
Jacob: And when you die, what was the point? Of me loving you, you loving him. How is that right for anyone? Because I sure don’t see it. Listen to me, Bella. Please, Just don’t do this. Live, Okay? Please...
Bella: Jake, everything’s gonna be okay. Jake, don’t go.
Jacob: I know how this ends. And I’m not sticking around to watch.