It’s not just obesity. Ozempic and its cousins will change the world本篇主要說好似萬能藥的GLP-1蒸健,目前用在治療肥胖的semaglutide和治療2型糖尿病的Ozempic中都含有GLP-1,好像還可以治療心血管和腎臟疾病毡代,阿爾茲海默癥,成癮,但還在研發(fā)中
萬能藥好像出現了:First the drugs tackled diabetes. Then, with just an injection a week, they took on obesity. Now they are being found to treat cardiovascular and kidney disease, and are being tested for Alzheimer’s and addiction. It is early days yet, but GLP-1 receptor agonists have all the makings of one of the most successful classes of drugs in history.竟然有這么好的藥嗎?不知道貴不貴敬扛?
知識補充1:GLP-1 激動劑最初是為 2 型糖尿病開發(fā)的。2022 年美國糖尿病協(xié)會醫(yī)療標準推薦將 GLP-1 激動劑作為 2 型糖尿病的一線治療朝抖,特別是對于動脈粥樣硬化性心血管疾病或肥胖癥患者舔哪。這些藥物還被認為可以顯著減少食物攝入量和體重,有些藥物還被批準用于在沒有糖尿病的情況下治療肥胖癥槽棍。它們還在開發(fā)用于其他適應癥捉蚤,例如非酒精性脂肪肝病、多囊卵巢綜合征和獎勵系統(tǒng)疾病炼七,例如成癮缆巧。
知識補充3:根據國際糖尿病聯(lián)盟(International Diabetes Federation)的研究,預計到2045年糖尿病患者人數將從目前的4.63億增長至7億。2019年統(tǒng)計數據顯示:糖尿病患者人數,中國排名第一祠够,總人數約1.164億人;根據《2020中國2型糖尿病防治指南》顯示粪牲,我國糖尿病患病率已高達11.2%古瓤,其中2型糖尿病患者占90%以上。這一巨大需求市場腺阳,萌生多家重磅GLP-1新藥落君。經摩熵醫(yī)藥(原藥融云)數據庫查詢顯示,索馬魯肽進入醫(yī)保前價格:1.5ml為1120元/支舌狗;3ml/為1904元/支叽奥。降價后扔水,3ml/支預計價格為:890元/支痛侍,降價幅度超過53%。
美國肥胖問題及治療:Already one in eight American adults has been on GLP-1?drugs. With over two?fifths of the world overweight or obese, demand for GLP-1?drugs is voracious.肥胖竟然這么普遍
Novo Nordisk, maker of semaglutide, branded Ozempic for diabetes and Wegovy for weight loss, and Eli Lilly,which makes tirzepatide, a more effective alternative, have together added around $1trn in market value since 2021.所以這些藥中都需要?GLP-1魔市,難怪這么厲害主届,但是只有兩家制藥公司,說明價格還在壟斷地位
藥物Semaglutide 在中國快到期:Semaglutide is to come off patent in Brazil, China and India in 2026; eight such drugs are in the works in China.那就是藥物的產權到期了待德,可以研制仿制藥了君丁?
為什么這么厲害?As our briefing explains this week, not only do the drugs act in the gut, but they also bind to receptors all over the body and in the brain.不僅腸道起作用還在全身和大腦中的受體結合(雖然不懂但好厲害的樣子)
藥物價格昂貴:For now the drugs are?expensive: tirzepatide is priced at over $500 a month in America.Their immediate side-effects, which can include nausea,?pancreatitis, diarrhoea and muscle loss, may be off-putting;?the effects from decades of taking them are uncertain.且有副作用
In 2019 heart?disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and kidney disease?ranked among the top ten global causes of death. Last year more than?100,000 Americans were killed by opioid overdoses and?180,000 died from drink.糖尿病不是慢性病嗎将宪?怎么也排在十大死亡愿意之列绘闷??较坛?另外美國人這么喜歡喝酒嗎?18萬死于飲酒
Rather as the contraceptive pill encouraged women to stay in?education and work, so GLP-1 drugs could lead to profound?economic and social change by enhancing productivity and?freedom.用避孕藥類比絕了印蔗,我一下就get到了
Obesity and addiction may less often be seen as moral?failings, but as illnesses that can be treated. 我以為肥胖在國內才被歧視,不過感覺是肥胖女孩會被歧視丑勤,肥胖的男孩一大堆华嘹,沒想到在美國竟然也會