1:BOOK BOOK是一款集合高質(zhì)量圖書导披,期刊雜志,報紙的高質(zhì)量閱讀軟件埃唯,并且這款軟件還支持聽書功能撩匕,軟件的書籍全部免費,軟件的書籍也是十分豐富墨叛;僅支持安卓版本止毕。 它書籍種...
221 The storm is like the cry of some god inpain whose love the earth refuses. 狂風(fēng)卷暴雨扁凛,猶似...
206 Let me not put myself wrongly to my world and set it against me. 置身世界中,物我可求同闯传。 莫把世相對...
201 The wasp thinks that the honey-hive of the neighbouringbees is too small. His neigh...
196 My heart is like the golden casket of thykiss, said the sunset cloud to the sun. 晚霞...
初入職場自身能力不夠能么辦?下面是清華大神強烈推薦的五個黑科技自學(xué)網(wǎng)站共缕,學(xué)會保準(zhǔn)不吃虧洗出,一年省下幾十萬不是問題? 1.超星讀書館 超星讀書館是一款適合大學(xué)生在線借閱圖書的一個...
181 My flower of the day dropped its petalsforgotten.In the evening it ripens into a go...
150 My thoughts shimmer with these shimmeringleaves and my heart sings with the touch o...
145 The flaming fire warns me off by its ownglow.Save me from the dying embers hidden u...
畢業(yè)一個月了便贵,昨天我才從輔導(dǎo)員那拿回我的畢業(yè)證書和學(xué)位證書菠镇,簽字的那一刻,感覺自己四年的青春承璃,就這樣悄無聲息地變成了兩張紙利耍。 說來搞笑,我讀了四年的大學(xué)本科,最后卻成了一名自...
在之前發(fā)的一篇文章里面桂躏,我問了一個問題:“你有幾條收入渠道钻趋?”,在朋友圈發(fā)出來剂习,不少小伙伴問我是怎么做到靠兼職收入月入5k的蛮位。 先來說說我自己的經(jīng)歷吧,我給自己的標(biāo)簽是95后...
138 I am ashamed of my emptiness, said the Word to the Work.I know how poor I am when I...
135 This rainy evening the wind is restless.I look at the swaying branches and ponderov...
101 The dust receives insult and in returnoffers her flowers. 塵土遭踐踏鳞绕,無怨亦無嗟失仁。 絕非無情物,報之以護花猾昆。...