英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part2 : The riddle of experience vs. memoryDaniel Kahneman: The ridd...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part2 : The riddle of experience vs. memoryDaniel Kahneman: The ridd...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit1 Part2 : On Controlling AISam Harris: Can we build AI without losing ...
The mathematics of love 愛情數學 L8-U1-P1: The Math of Love 1 1 Today I want to tell to you...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part1 : A South Pole ExpeditionBen Saunders: To the South Pole and b...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit3 Part3 :The history of our worldDavid Christian: The history of our w...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit3 Part2 :Healing ArchitectureMichael Murphy: Architecture that's built...
Juan Enriquez: What will humans look like in 100 years| TED Talk Video 1:Evolving Our B...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit3 Part1 :Evolving Our BodiesJuan Enriquez: What will humans look like ...
Casey Gerald: The gospel of doubt | TED Talk Video 1: Gospel of Doubt There we were, so...