Q1:The wheels on the bus go round and round劈狐,Round and round? round and round,The wheels on the bus go round and round莲兢,All through the town续膳,The wipers on the bus go "Swish? swish? swish,Swish? swish? swish? swish? swish? swish"谒兄,The wipers on the bus go "Swish? swish? swish"社付,All through the town酣溃,The wheels on the bus go open the ship纪隙,Open the ship? open the ship,The wheels on the bus go open the ship碘饼,All through the town悲伶,Round and round,And round钠绍,Spen round and round and round花沉,The horn on the bus goes "Beep? beep? beep,Beep? beep? beep? beep? beep? beep"磷脯,The horn on the bus goes "Beep? beep? beep"娩脾,All through the town,The babies on the bus go wah? wah? wah俩功,Wah? wah? wah? wah? wah? wah碰声,The babies on the bus go wah? wah? wah,All through the town万牺,The people on the bus go shh? shh? shh洽腺,The people on the bus shh,All through the town核无,The momi on the bus go I love you藕坯,I love you? I love you噪沙,The baddies on the bus go I love you too吐根,All through the town拷橘,Spen Round and round? and round,Spen Round and round? and round冗疮。
1.單詞:wheel、town另萤、wiper诅挑、 horn 揍障、baby
2.句型:The? 動物或者物品名稱? on the? 事物? go “聲音”俩由,All through the town
Q3:我想要帶孩子學(xué)習(xí)的five little monkey jumping in the bed首先裹芝,我會帶小孩先讀一遍繪本(聲情并茂)嫂易,讓孩子對這個(gè)故事感興趣存炮,然后再讓他們觀看five little monkey in the bed故事講解視頻,最后帶唱該繪本的歌謠宫盔,帶上的時(shí)候戴上手指動作享完,比如說一開始有5只猴子就5個(gè)手指,隨后逐之遞減彼绷。
Five little monkey jumping in the bed
Twinkle twinkle little star
Row row, Row you boat.
Rain Rain, Go away
Johny Johny Yes papa
wheels on the bus
Shaking Shaking