Leonardo da Vinci's many shortcomings made him human
“如何從三角形里面切除一個正方形”,“每周六去泡一次澡”傲武,“畫出來啄木鳥舌頭的形狀”秃诵。萊昂納多? 達芬奇每天的待辦事項表里详瑞,列滿了類似這樣的條目姊扔。
"Square a triangle.""Take a bath every Saturday.""Describe the tongue of the woodpecker."
Theses are some of the quirky entries Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) added to his to-do lists practically every day, according to "Leonardo da Vinci," a biography published in 2017 by American writer and journalist Walter Isaacson. (A Japanese translation was published from Bungeishunju Ltd. this past spring.)
A whopping 7,000? or so handwritten pages of these eclectic lists have been preserved to this day.
Leonardo received no formal education to speak of. But with his passionate curiosity, which was already evident from a young age, he was once totally engrossed in exploring a cave in search of fossils.
He believed experience was more important thatn education.
Reading Issacson's biography, I was surprised to learn that there were numerous research projects Leonardo started but never completed.
At one time, for instance, he was fascinated with the workings of birds' wings, and tried to design artificial wings that would enable humans to fly. He also came up with conceptual prototypes of helicopters and tanks, but none of these ever materiaslized.
And there was a canal-builing project for a major city he was really into, but this, too, did not come to fruition.
"Tell me if anything was ever done...Tell me...Tell me," he wrote in his moment of abject defeat。
Many of his paintings were unfinished, too. Less than 20 completed works remain to this day, including the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper."
Although Lenardo was portrayed in different ways after his death, it appears that he ended to be fickle and was not inclined to see every undertaking through.
This probably had less to do with laziness than his extreme perfectionism. But after years of thinking of him as a colossal genius unapporachable to us ordinary mortals, finding out about his various human falilings suddenly made him feel a lot closer.
May 2 marked the 500th anniversary of his death.