Govindasamy V, George P, Raina S K, et al. Plant-associated microbial interactions in t...

Govindasamy V, George P, Raina S K, et al. Plant-associated microbial interactions in t...
柑橘檸檬(L.)Burm正什。F委煤、 是一種重要的常綠水果作物珠洗,其根際和葉狀微生物群已被鑒定坡倔,而種子微生物群仍未知衔肢。從C.limon表面滅菌的種子中分離細菌和真菌內生菌庄岖。屬于曲霉屬...
Jonathan W. Leff,1,2 Peter Del Tredici,3 William E. Friedman3,4 and Noah Fierer1,2* Env...
Niche specificity and functional diversity of the bacterial communities associated with...
Distance-Decay Relationships Partially Determine Diversity Patterns of Phyllosphere Bac...
龍舌蘭根際細菌多樣性和相互作用網絡與Cuatro Cienegas寡養(yǎng)盆地塊狀土的顯著差異[
García-García, N., Tamames, J., Linz, al.Microdiversity ensures the maintenance ...
Statistical analysis. The data were analyzed using a one-way ANOV A in SAS ver. 8.0 sof...
Bulgarelli, D., Rott, M., Schlaeppi, K. et al. Revealing structure and assembly cues fo...