Bella: How old are you?Boy: 150 years.Aro: At what age did you reach maturity?Boy: I be...

Bella: How old are you?Boy: 150 years.Aro: At what age did you reach maturity?Boy: I be...
Edward: Alice~Aro: Ah! Alice!..My dear, dear Alice, we’re so glad to see you here, afte...
Garrett: If we live through this, I’ll follow you anywhere, woman.Kate: Now you tell me...
Bella: The snow is sticking.Edward: Hey, we still have today. Bella: I’m so glad Charli...
Bella: It’s strange. Physically, I feel like I could demolish a tank. Mentally, I just ...
Edward: Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and ta...
Carmen: When Aro wants someone from a coven, it’s never long before evidence turns up p...
Bella(narration): we opened our home to 18 vampires. Many with gifts of their own. Zafr...
Alice(recalling): Gather as many witness as you can before the snow sticks to the groun...
Renesmee: Look, a snowflake.Bella: It’s beautiful. Why don’t you get another one? Bella...
Charlie: Hey, you heard anything?Jacob: Charlie...Bella’s...Charlie: No, she’s not.Jaco...
Alice: Happy birthday~Bella: I stopped aging three days ago.Alice: Well, we’re celebrat...
Bella: You’re still here.Jacob: So are you... I didn’t expect you to seem so... you. Ex...
Edward: Close your eyes. What do you hear? Edward: Bella, don’t. Bella, Stop!..I’m sorr...
Edward: She shouldn’t be this still.Carlisle: It’s the morphine.Edward: Maybe I was too...
Jacob(recalling): It’s like gravity, your whole center shifts. Suddenly, it’s not the E...
Jacob: Bella? Bella! Bella!Edward: Jake, take the baby!Jacob: Keep that away from me!Ro...
Bella: Hey. Are you okay?Jacob: Yeah, it’s not like I’m the one carrying a demon.Rosali...
Seth: Jake, they’re coming.Jacob: I know.Leah: we should phase, Jacob, we can’t protect...