我很喜歡一個日本演員:堺雅人六孵。 雅人叔的每一部電影電視劇我都追過椿浓。12年的時候太援,追過一部劇《盜鑰匙的方法》,當時當做喜劇片看的扳碍。 但是昨天晚上無聊提岔,重新翻看這個電影,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一...

我很喜歡一個日本演員:堺雅人六孵。 雅人叔的每一部電影電視劇我都追過椿浓。12年的時候太援,追過一部劇《盜鑰匙的方法》,當時當做喜劇片看的扳碍。 但是昨天晚上無聊提岔,重新翻看這個電影,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一...
泰戈爾原文: The perfect decks itself in beauty for thelove of the Imperfect. 馮唐版: 完美 因為深愛不完美...
@語熙 一定會的
飛鳥集每日一品(65)泰戈爾原文: Tiny grass, your steps are small, but youpossess the earth under your tread. 馮唐版...
@語熙 ????
飛鳥集每日一品(61)泰戈爾原文: Take my wine in my own cup, friend. Itloses its wreath of foam when poured into ...
@語熙 ??????
飛鳥集每日一品(65)泰戈爾原文: Tiny grass, your steps are small, but youpossess the earth under your tread. 馮唐版...
飛鳥集每日一品(65)泰戈爾原文: Tiny grass, your steps are small, but youpossess the earth under your tread. 馮唐版...
泰戈爾原文: Tiny grass, your steps are small, but youpossess the earth under your tread. 馮唐版...
飛鳥集每日一品(61)泰戈爾原文: Take my wine in my own cup, friend. Itloses its wreath of foam when poured into ...
泰戈爾原文: Take my wine in my own cup, friend. Itloses its wreath of foam when poured into ...
泰戈爾原文: The hurricane seeks the shortest road bythe no-road, and suddenly ends its searc...
拿什么拯救你的玻璃心?我曾經(jīng)有一個同學惧辈,一直跟我過不去琳状,就好像我對他做了什么天怒人怨的事兒似得。只要一見到我盒齿,分分鐘開啟撕逼模式念逞,跟他聊天都跟宮斗似得困食,唇槍舌劍防不勝防。 我反復思考翎承,從未得罪過他...
我曾經(jīng)有一個同學,一直跟我過不去叨咖,就好像我對他做了什么天怒人怨的事兒似得瘩例。只要一見到我,分分鐘開啟撕逼模式甸各,跟他聊天都跟宮斗似得垛贤,唇槍舌劍防不勝防。 我反復思考趣倾,從未得罪過他...
泰戈爾原文: Like the meeting of the seagulls and thewaves we meet and come near. The seagull...
飛鳥集每日一品(52)泰戈爾原文: Man does not reveal himself in his history,he struggles up through it. 馮唐版: 人在歷史...
泰戈爾原文: Man does not reveal himself in his history,he struggles up through it. 馮唐版: 人在歷史...