Expressions 1, It only took a few minutes or a few days before I was all over him: kiss...
Expressions 1, It only took a few minutes or a few days before I was all over him: kiss...
C17- 22 The Gay Genius 復盤筆記 2017-12-31PART 1 Thoughts 昨天看到一個記載在《閱微草堂筆記》里的關于清代名臣李衛(wèi)的故事覺得很有意思旧烧。故事說的是李衛(wèi)還沒做官的時候,一次渡江遇到一位道人画髓。舟行一半掘剪,江上狂...
PART 1 Thoughts 昨天看到一個記載在《閱微草堂筆記》里的關于清代名臣李衛(wèi)的故事覺得很有意思。故事說的是李衛(wèi)還沒做官的時候雀扶,一次渡江遇到一位道人杖小。舟行一半,江上狂...
PART 1 Sentences 1. West Lake was to Hangchow as the eyes to a beauty's face. 2. Su Tun...
PART 1 Core Question Why did Su Tungpo want to get out of power? Su Tungpo was in a qua...
PART 1 Core Question What is the art of Chinese painting? At the outset, Chinese painti...
PART 1 Core Question Was Su Tungpo adapted to the life in the capital? Yes. Express Dow...
是呀愚墓,越是離你近的人給你的委屈或傷害予权,越無法釋然,因為曾經真心真意的付出浪册∩ㄏ伲或許時間和更多的經歷會磨平心中的刺痛,C'est La Vie.
Chapter 18 Years of Wanderings 讀書筆記 2017-12-26PART 1 Sentences But it was an impulse so fine and beautiful that the poet could not re...
The Gay Genius 復盤筆記 12. 24PART 1 Thoughts 昨天和一個外教聊天,提起了這本書账忘。外教說這本書的名字起的很好志膀,外教的原話是這么說的:" A happy genius, sounds inte...
PART 1 Writing Yuen Ren Chao, better known as YR. Chao, was hard, if not impossible, to...
我用了一個周末的時間看完了這本84 Charing Cross Road。讀這本書的大多數(shù)時間我坐在家里的陽臺上曬著太陽鳖擒。此刻也是如此溉浙,中午的陽光暖暖的,而窗外很安靜蒋荚,偶爾有...
Merry Christmas! Best wishes for you and your family!
The Gay Genius 復盤筆記 12. 24PART 1 Thoughts 昨天和一個外教聊天戳稽,提起了這本書。外教說這本書的名字起的很好期升,外教的原話是這么說的:" A happy genius, sounds inte...
PART 1 Thoughts 昨天和一個外教聊天惊奇,提起了這本書。外教說這本書的名字起的很好播赁,外教的原話是這么說的:" A happy genius, sounds inte...
PART 1 Expressions 1. While living far out in such remote mountains you should be on th...
This chapter is telling their examination. Ithink it is common at that time the father ...
This chapter illustrated Su Tongpo’s childhood and youth. Firstly we know that his moth...
This chapter is telling the birth place of SU TONGPO and his family. In 1936, a baby bo...
中文感悟: 讀完今天這一章節(jié)赊时,我覺得我對“才情”二字有了更深的理解。所謂“才”行拢,即書中所言“詩文書畫藝術上的卓絕之美”;所謂“情”诞吱,即“堅持自己的主張原則并始終堅定不移”舟奠。書...
This chapter made a introduction of Su Tungpo. In the writer's mind, it is easiser to w...